The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

About Us

Mission Statement

The Vision and ethos of Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School is closely tied to our school mission statement, ‘Following Jesus, the Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.’ The Gospel values of Jesus Christ underlie what we do at our school.  Through our Gospel values we create an environment where children can learn to live these in all aspects of their life. In our attitude towards behaviour and in our learning. 

The school aims to provide our children with experiences which will open their eyes to the world around us. Sometimes our children’s opportunities are narrowed by lack of available resources within our community and our curriculum aims to address this. Learning opportunities have been designed to enable links to be made with the wider context of the world such as forest schools, sports events, leading chaplaincy and participating in key events beyond the school.

The school strives to ensure all children regardless of personal circumstances, can access their learning and have opportunities to help them follow their dreams and become well rounded individuals. Our school Community reflect their aspirations for their children and support them to address the barriers that may exist in terms of personal circumstances in accessing life experiences. 

Our Vision

“Following Jesus, The Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.”