The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

KS1 Pirate WOW Day!

To begin our topic of ‘Land Ahoy’ in KS1, we had a fun pirate WOW day on Monday 3rd June! We learnt all about pirates and how they travelled around the world on their pirate ships! We even dressed up as pirates and took part in lots of fun activities!

We took part in lots of pirate activities such as:

  • Making our own compasses
  • Drawing and creating our own pirate treasure map
  • Decorating and designing our own pirate character
  • Making our own pirate hat out of newspaper
  • Role play – acting like pirates
  • Created actions in a pirate story
  • Exploring a treasure chest and the wonderful ‘booty’ that was inside!
  • Speaking like a pirate – learning the pirate language!

We had lots of fun acting as pirates and we are now really excited to learn all about their adventures to different places around the world this half term!