The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Critical Worker and Vulnerable Child in School Provision

During this current lockdown we aim to provide daily online learning via Microsoft Teams for all children. For children of "Critical Workers" or "Vulnerable" children, there is a provision in school.

All spaces are now allocated.

The times in school are as follows:

Year 6 – 9-2.15

Year 5 – 9.15-2.30

Year 3&4 – 9-2.15

Year 2 – 9.15-2.30

Year 1-9-2.15

Reception – 9.15-2.30

Nursery – 9.15-2.30

You will have received confirmation via ParentMail to confirm your child's Bubble and class room.


Many thanks for your continued support and understanding.