The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Our latest Ofsted report can be downloaded from this page, you can also access this information on the Ofsted website.

Highlights from our latest Ofsted inspection include:

"Pupils are keen learners. They are proud of their school. Pupils, staff and parents agree that the school is safe."

"The effective teaching of phonics enables pupils to make a good start in reading and writing."

"Leadership and teaching in the early years are good. Children are well prepared for Year 1...The curriculum is well designed. It is built around the interests of children and their specific needs..the partnership between staff and parents is effective. A typical parental comment was, ‘My child has settled in so well and is really happy.’"

"The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good."

"Pupils are proud of their school and praise its friendly atmosphere. Pupils have responded well to leaders’ recent work to re-establish high expectations for personal appearance and pride in their school."
"The coordinator for personal, social and health education provides effective guidance for pupils. She has a weekly ‘working lunch’ with the school council representatives in order to support pupils to plan their own meetings. In response to requests from pupils for more lunchtime clubs, she has put arrangements in place to support pupils who wish to run activities for others. As a result, pupils are growing in self-sufficiency and developing good leadership skills."
"Leaders and staff promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development very well. The interim assistant headteacher provides effective leadership of this aspect of the school’s work. She has ensured that the curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to study a range of world religions, enriched by trips and visitors, alongside learning about Christianity."
"Assemblies effectively promote the school’s values of ‘We are all God’s children and all the same.’ Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their own emerging beliefs through thought-provoking, interactive displays around school, such as ‘What do you aspire to be?’ Pupils’ cultural development is effectively promoted through their participation in art and music festivals. Pupils who spoke with inspectors showed awareness of fundamental British values, as well as the school’s ‘gospel values’."
"Leaders ensure that they use the primary school physical education and sport funding effectively to promote pupils’ physical fitness, health and well-being."
"The extensive school grounds provide ample opportunities for pupils to enjoy a range of sports and activities to improve their fitness. Many pupils enjoy being physically active and the sports provision is a strength of the school. Pupils also appreciate the quieter areas that are provided for them to chat with friends or have time to reflect."


Parent View


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